Friday, March 6, 2009


- Good Lost episode this week. I've never particularly liked Sawyer but in this new season he's begun to grow on me and there was a good balance of self-contained story and over-arching information. I do wonder about the mechanics of the time travel still and here's a thought: What happens if/when Juliette meets herself as a kid?

- I haven't heard the new U2 album yet, I'm hesitant because "Get Your Boots On" sucks something fierce, but I've been revisiting their older stuff a bit and, as much as it tends towards melodrama and grandstanding, a lot of it is pretty brilliant. The Joshua Tree is one of my favourite mellow albums, it's melodically engaging enough to be memorable as a series of songs but it's consistent enough in tone to work as a long form mood piece. And I absolutely love how it uses traditional American music (gospel, country, blues) as a tool for shading and texture (the harmonica on "Trip Through Your Wires", the gospel underpinnings of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", the slide guitars on "Running To Stand Still"). Everybody and their grandma basically has this album, so, dig it out some time.

- I'll be seeing Watchmen on Sunday with friends, the mixed reviews are not exactly heartening but I like the comic enough to see it as a matter of course. Also, the New Yorker review made my blood boil, which I'm sure was its intent, mostly due to the fact the reviewer seemed to object to what Watchmen is rather than its execution of its ideas.

Short post, but, eh.

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