Saturday, June 27, 2009


- Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen is like a Wendy's Baconator in movie form: it's way too big, has zero nutritional value, is processed to hell and makes you feel bloated and sick after consuming it. It's the only movie that's ever actually given me a headache and I suppose that's some sort of accomplishment, but, still. I'm also kind of shocked that THE BAY was able to get away with this level of racial stereotyping and objectification in a mainstream, big budget movie. Here's hoping that the much better, and less morally offensive, Star Trek emerges as the summer's biggest earner.

I'm not going to go through why exactly the movie is terrible because I'd be typing all day, so, I'll suffice to say it's all garbage with the following exceptions:

- John Tututuro, who brought his usual zaniness.
- Tyrese Gibson, thankfully allowed to just be himself rather than the WACKY BLACK MAN.
- The opening action sequence.
- In fact, the action in general was better than the first just because it was more comprehensible.

That's it, avoid if possible.

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